Never pre-judge anybody on the basis of appearance


Nothing is impossible in this world provided you have the positive approach to looking at things. People might say that such things look good on paper, but difficult to put into practice. At Landmark Forum, they teach you to put these things into practice in the right way. You should know that there would be hundreds of ways to solve a problem. Finding the simplest way is the most difficult one. This is what prompted Bill Gates to proclaim that he has the habit of assigning the toughest of tasks to the laziest of persons in his organization. His logic was that the lazy person would always find an easy way to solve any problem. Now, a person of Bill Gates’ caliber cannot be wrong in such matter.

What is the Landmark Forum?

Many people have the apprehension that the Landmark Forum is some sort of a cult organization forcing people to change their methods of thinking in a dramatic fashion. In fact, it is nothing of that sort. It is a very simple forum encouraging people to share their experiences. In this way, you can learn from the mistakes of others. We agree that not every problem would be similar. However, you can always find some strands of similarity in all problems. Once you are able to achieve this trait, you are well on your way to success.

What does the Landmark Forum teach?

The focus of Landmark Education is in discovering yourself. They do not teach anything that you do not know earlier. The problem with people is that they are not able to apply their minds in a rational manner when confronted with an issue. They tend to develop a prejudiced attitude towards problems as well as persons. This attitude is the problem.

The Dog Psychology:

Do you have a pet dog? If you do not have one, you should go and immediately get one. The reason is that the dog has a very simple way of treating you. It does not matter to the dog as to what would be your state of mind in the evening. It would greet you, in the same way, every day of your life, irrespective of whether you have achieved or lost something. You should learn from the uncomplicated vision of life from the dog’s point of view.

The Lesson:

When we have a prejudiced notion about someone, it brings out a sense of negativity. This small example would clear things. This is what they advocate at Landmark Worldwide.

A person had lost his wallet and was searching for it everywhere in the house. His wife casually remarked that the neighbourhood kid had just come here. Immediately the man perception towards the kid changed. He started commenting on the negative aspects of the poor boy and literally stopped short of accusing him of the theft. In a short while, his son found the wallet wedged between the seat and the backrest of the sofa. Now, the man’s perception of the same boy changed. He started praising the innocence of the kid. See, how things change within minutes. This is what prejudged notions can do to you.

The Landmark Reviews would be full of such examples.