The Landmark Forum has special programs for children as well

All along, you might have been of the opinion that the Landmark Forum is for adults alone with an odd program for the teenagers. You will be surprised to know that the Forum has a special program for children in the age group of eight years to twelve years. Many people can question the wisdom of holding programs for children. The Forum believes in catching them young. Good values inculcated early in life can remain for a long time.

The children are at a vulnerable age from eight years to twelve years. In the past, the tonnage years were the most vulnerable. Today, with the advanced technology and the spread of the internet in every house, this vulnerability has now started affecting children as well. Hence, there is an express need for such a program that can help the children become better citizens of tomorrow.

Children face extreme peer pressure in schools. They are at an influential age where the slightest change in behavior or fashion can trigger a chain reaction of sorts. In addition, there is pressure from the parents on the children to excel at school. They require a minimum level of excellence and performance to face the tough competition in the world at a later stage.

This pressure can take a heavy toll on the child’s psyche and make him more vulnerable to external influence. Therefore, this Forum is the best place to teach good values to the children ay this nascent age. The Forum focuses on independence. The child should feel independent to do his things. This independence can bring a great deal of confidence in the child encouraging him or her to perform well in the academic career.

You know that children are fearless. The main reason for the fearlessness is the lack of awareness of the harsh realities of life. This Forum introduces these harsh realities in a subtle manner thereby readying the child to face them when they encounter the same. Therefore, the Forum plays a great role in increasing the awareness and making them fearless at the same time. In fact, you can call this as maturity to handle things.

The children sessions do not last as long as they do for the adults. This is natural because the children have a limited attention span. Taxing them for a long time can prove counterproductive. By increasing the awareness levels of the children, the Forum makes them responsible. This responsibility brings a sense of empowerment to the children. This is the main objective of the Landmark Forum.

On attending these courses, the child becomes capable of distinguishing the right from the wrong at a young age. He or she develops the courage to converse fluently with strangers. This confidence can stand the child in great stead in the future when he embarks on a successful career.

This Forum encourages the children to express their views freely by writing a Landmark Forum review at the end of the program. This review can prove helpful to other children and adults as well.

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